A Nourishing Morning

A Nourishing Morning.

What does a nourishing morning look like? Do you wake up wondering how quickly or least chaotic you can make your morning routine? Or do you get up ready to shine?

Mornings are a special time in the day, they are arguably one of my favorite parts of the day and sometimes I wish I could still time just to enjoy the morning.

What does your waking routine look like? Do you have one? If not – here is an exercise. Keep a journal near your bed and for the next 3 days record what your morning looks like. Do you wake up at the same time everyday? Do you have a waking ritual whether it be spiritual or maybe you have a hygiene ritual? Maybe you read a passage from your favorite inspiration book every morning or perhaps you practice yoga and meditation. Whatever it is, mornings are a powerful time to set your intention for the day and start your day of with spiritual, mental, and physical nourishment. This includes an awesome breakfast.

What to Eat…On Breakfast.

You’ve heard it before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day! So, why is it so easy to skip? Coffee is breakfast. Ideally, breakfast is where you are breaking your fast from a long break in eating from the night before and kicking your metabolism into gear for the day for mental and physical endurance. Breakfast should ideally be eaten 1-3 hours after waking and contain a balanced amount of protein, fat, and sugar to give you long lasting energy for the first have of the day. A nutritious breakfast is essential for healthy brain function and physical energy. It also helps you eliminate properly and keeps your metabolism on its feet.

So why is it that breakfast is so hard? Well for one, we are often on the go first thing in the morning and that looming healthy breakfast meal seems likes an inconvenience. And then there is the looming question of – what to eat?

Think about…. We have all had the experience before. You think to yourself “I am kind of hungry and I have a long commute and morning but there is nothing to eat.” What do you do? Drink coffee instead. What happens? 10 o’clock roles around and your already tired, hungry, irritated and so you choose a dry, salty, crunchy snacks that leads you down the road to poor nutrition for the rest of the day.

Choose a smoothie and a protein packed breakfast plate? And you feel like a super hero.

A few words for the wise.

Choose whole, nourishing foods for breakfast. A little prep work the night before goes a long way in creating a delightful morning experience the next day.

Don’t let your breakfast get you down, breakfast on the go is no excuse to not nourished.

A weekend breakfast that allows you to feel that life is good and relaxed.