Getting Grounded

My spirit is grounded deep in the Earth.
I am calm, strong, centered, and peaceful.
I am able to let go of fear and trust
that I am entirely safe.
I am worthy of all things beautiful.
— Carly Marie

You have likely heard the phrase to get grounded, to feel or be to be grounded. You may have come across various grounding techniques in your spiritual practice or therapy. It could be that you are a grounded person –maybe you have several Earth signs in your star chart or have been referred to as a down to Earth person. Maybe you are the quite opposite, ungrounded, and you need to find and stay on the ground.

So I will invite you to take a moment –right now—and close your eyes and check in to ask – Am I in my body? Am I feeling connected? Do I feel available? Am I present?


Merriam-webster defines grounded as an adjective to describe a state of being "mentally and emotionally stable: admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious." Let us unpack this a little. If being grounded is a state of well-being, one in touch with reality, how does one get there? I like to think of being grounded as feeling resourced. It is, in fact, an effort of rooting or re-rooting oneself into the Earth, the ground a source.

At times in life, we have all likely have had a call to have to "stand our ground." I think of this as a visceral act of taking a stance and calling on fierce and unshakable stability, pragmatism, and rationality. We remember these moments whether they were in grief or joy; there is the feeling of aliveness, which comes with the powerful experience of being in the present moment. Being rooted into the ground allows one to practice being in a state of complete awareness and being conscious within that present moment.

When we ground the self, we can connect to the present moment and expand our consciousness beyond just ourselves. An opening for the long journey from head to heart, down through the feet and into the Earth becomes available. When we ground ourselves, whether in a spiritual practice or daily life, we can connect with the present moment, in reality, this present moment, in what is - not our projections or memories but to be in the only real moment we have. When we are with presence, feelings of loving, present awareness, balance, and connection to ourselves become increasingly tangible. Through grounding into the connection of the Earth, we establish feelings such as security and strength. Finding Earth cultivates physical and mental stability and balance.

 Feeling grounded comes with a sense of mindfulness and vice versa. The practice of mindfulness brings one into a grounded state of presence. It relates to a state of or feeling of being fully embodied, wholeness, a centered and balanced relationship to ourselves and the world around us. When you are grounded or connected, you are more in control of your mental and emotional self. The Witness or the observer finds strength by being grounded. Being grounded draws upon the strength of faith and trust. This sense of faith or trust finds its source through the grounding or plugging into a source. When we feel grounded, we do not feel alone, overwhelmed, and isolated from the whole.

Finding ground today in these unprecedented times comes with an increasing need and importance and builds resilience. Our ability to stay grounded amidst the chaos is an asset and necessary strength. The world, as we know, may be spinning out of control, but we do not necessarily have to go with it. Staying grounded means having a solid connection to reality and, in these times, increases the ability to remain rational and present to reality. Even with so much disharmony and information overwhelm.

 On the contrary, an ungroundedness fuels anxiety and fear or confusion, thus feeding back into more ungroundedness. The power of grounding through the Earth evolves us back to our true Nature, our true source.

Not being spiritually grounded in your life might be a status quo you are used to, and you may even ask yourself, Do I want to be grounded? However, being grounded maybe is not a state everyone aspires to. Perhaps it is about being free like wind, untethered, unattached, spreading one's wings in flight to wherever the wind blows. Signs that you may not be grounded or may not be as grounded as you could be are fatigue, confusion, disconnection, difficultly focusing, feeling "airy" or "floaty," feeling shaking or lightheaded. Excess energy running through one's system without a way to ground that energy is analogous to too much electricity running through a circuit with no surge protector. Grounding or Earthing can help us find a way to "plug back in" by plugging into Earth or to source and balancing out the energy in the body resulting in a more direct and present relationship with the physical world.


Exercises to get grounded

  1. Reset – Every moment, there is an opportunity to let go of the past and future and reset yourself in the present moment.
    Press the reset button anytime you notice that you are contemplating or living in the past or future rather than the present. Simply internally say "reset" and come to this present moment.

  2. Connecting with Nature – take a break, turn off the hum, the noise, the news, don't worry about it, and get outside and touch the ground.

  3. Breathing – Breathing is a mindful way of bringing your attention back to the present moment. Mindfully breathing builds resiliency and widens your window of tolerance for emotions and experiences.

  4. Music – Music can aid in shifting any mood and make you feel more connected to the present moment and yourself. Need a powerful and easy switch? Put on something for your listening pleasure.

  5. Tea – Have a cup of tea while focusing on centering and balancing yourself. Tea meditations are helpful to stay present and feel connected.

  6. Eating a nourishing meal – A healthy, well-balanced meal can help ground your energy and make you feel more solid, soothe the nervous system, and build your energetic stores.

  7. Practice Gratitude – Practicing gratitude can have far-reaching effects in improving how you feel and your relationship to your life. A simple gratitude practice can bring you back into alignment and feeling a connection to your life in a positive way.

Jess Daily